My Bikram yoga teacher recently said something worth noodling on as she was giving guidance on a yoga pose.
She said that we should treat every pose as if we are giving a demonstration.
The point here is not to show off, be a phony, assert superiority or any such drama but rather, to practice what you preach with specificity, zeal and precision.
This also recognizes the existence of group energy and how by striving to perform at a high level, you encourage others to do the same.
It hearkens me back to a great article that I once read about Ron Popeil of Ronco. This is a guy that has built a number of products that have become part of our culture, in the process generating billions of dollars of sales.
Part of his 'unfair advantage' is that he has always treated product MARKETING and product DEVELOPMENT as part of the same animal such that when it gets to the point of the actual infomercial, both the STEAK and the SIZZLE portions of the demonstration are synchronized from product to demo and back.
Can you think of any areas where there might be goodness if you embraced demonstration mindset?