There is a paradox that confronts companies big and small. How much is enough?
Build too little functionality, solve too small of a problem, and odds are that no one cares enough about your solution to pay attention to it.
Build too much functionality, and you risk feature bloat, missed deliverables and generally muddy the answer to the questions that are critical to a product's success, "Who is the target customer, What do they hire your product to do and Why?"
Small companies, especially startups, struggle with this one by falling prey to trying to 'boil the ocean' versus defining a narrow, compelling 1.0 purpose.
Big companies gravitate between two extremes: either under-estimating the needs and aspirations of the market or SO TOTALLY overshooting them (delivering a 3.0 vision to a 1.0 market aspiring to a 2.0 solution) that they guarantee failure of the new product.
Imagine a plane taking off and landing in a fixed amount of time and space. That is your product. Do not overbuild the runway. Do not underbuild it either.
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