Well, it was inevitable. From the
first post that I wrote back in January, 2008 on the iPod Touch to my
follow-on analysis at the launch of the iPhone Platform in March, 2008, and the more than 30 posts that have come behind it, it was a given that I would launch a company in the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad native applications space.
After dabbling with a 'Mobile Video meets Twitter' web service by the name of
Twiddeo and advising/assisting
Square Connect, who makes an iPhone App-based Universal Remote Control solution (it recently launched in the App Store
HERE), it's time to once again 'Eat My Own Dogfood.'
Thus, I am happy to announce the launch of Unicorn Labs (with my co-founder,
Alex Mostoufi), which you can read about here:
Unicorn Labs was started by a small (and growing) team of serial entrepreneurs in San Francisco in January, 2010. We are driven by a deep passion for the iPhone (and its siblings, iPod Touch and iPad), gaming and the pursuit of all things social as the bedrock of mobile/mobility computing. We work hard, play even harder, and are driven to win. Why settle for mediocrity, right?
Having worked together at me.com (sold to Apple in 2007), a community-building platform startup that drove social networking into thousands of niches and affinity groups, we asked ourselves what unique, engaging and fun could we bring to the social, mobile universe, and Unicorn Labs was born.
Our credo is to deliver a user experience that we'd be equally proud to share with friends and family, as to use ourselves, but to always be sufficiently humble to listen to what the technology – and our base of users– is telling us.
Give our first product, Unicorn Shots, a try. Then, let us know if we're delivering the goods, and where you think we can do better. We can ALWAYS do better. :-)
I Need Your Help
Now's the part of the post where I ask for a favor. If you own an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, can you help me out by Taking a Unicorn Shot?
Unicorn Shots is a silly fun 'Zen Garden' that allows you to take your pictures and morph them into weird, weird stuff. It's free, really simple and rocketing up the Charts in App Store Popularity (currently #23 in Photography),
Specifically, I would love it if you could
download Unicorn Shots, try it, and if you like it, tell your friends to do the same (especially if they have kids). Also, if you really like it, I'd love you to write a review and give it a good rating in App Store.
Here is a link to the Description & Download
Contest: Win a FREE iPadTo celebrate the launch, we are doing a low-key contest, whereby if you send us a fun picture that you've created in
Unicorn Shots, we will enter you into a Drawing to Win a Free iPad.
Follow us on Twitter for more Details:
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