As much as anything, the Internet of Things is about the rise of smart, connected sensors. Apple's iBeacon harnesses smart phones and super-cheap Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensory 'beacons' to bring location-aware services into a bunch of new categories.
They include:
- Get a coupon for 10 percent off a TV because you stood in the TV department.
- Your home will automatically react to you.
- Your phone will give you a tour of museums.
- Organize neighborhood pick-up games for kids.
- Tickets that automatically load as you enter sporting events.
- Win something for visiting a car dealership.
- Toys that are aware of each other.
- Get a free cup of coffee or snack while pumping your gas.
- Be warned that your bike or car is no longer in the garage.
'How iBeacons could change the world forever' is an excellent article on this topic. Well worth a read.